The most efficient choice for producing high temperature (90 ℃) hot water with low electrical energy.

 It can produce air with a temperature of max. 110 ℃ from outside air, even at a very low temperature.

It can produce steam
up to 120 ℃ using the waste heat produced by the factory.


320 W monocrystalline panels, with a quality aluminum frame, 3.2 mm tempered glass, 12-year warranty.


Our company started as a family business in 1990. Several portfolio changes have taken place, adapting to the ever-changing needs of the market. Our latest product range, for which we are the exclusive distributor in 11 European countries, is the CO₂ monobloc heat pump.

RVS14 – Residantial heat pump installation, Szada

RVS75 – Industrial heat pump installation,
Börzsöny Gyöngye Kindergarten, Szokolya

RVS120 – Industrial heat pump installation
Penta General Construction Industry Ltd., Gödöllő

RVS120/RVS75  – Industrial heat pumps, Vác

Construction of an external
cafe-terrace with underfloor heating

Heating of the cafe, underfloor heating

RVS8 and RVS14 heat pump
connection to a cascade system

Output water temperature

Why choose
CO  heat pump

Safe and energy efficient (energy saving)

Air/water carbon dioxide (CO₂) heat pump water heating equipment utilizes a significant amount of free heat energy from the air. The equipment only consumes as much electricity as the system needs to extract heat energy from the air.

CO₂ heat pumps are highly energy efficient and have a low environmental impact. They use ambient air or water as a heat source and produce heat in the form of hot water at high temperatures up to 90 °C. They can be successfully used to heat new or existing buildings, but can also serve various technological processes. When powered by electricity from renewable sources, they operate without any emissions.

October 10, 2022!

It can be viewed in operation at our company
an 8 kW (RVS8) CO
refrigerant heat pump!
Opening hours: Mon-Fri: 8 a.m. to 3 p.m